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∞ Session Menu

Notice: A comprehensive healing program, aside from the regular bio-field energy work, can include a variety of modalities, including exercise prescription, coaching in healthy eating, stress management, behavior change reinforcements, and more.


REIKI - Session Menu

Initial intake session - for 1st time clients only (takes about 2 hrs)
Cost: $195

60 mins single session (in person or distance)
Cost: $135

* inquire about multi-session packages (valid for 12 months)

Reiki sessions are offered in-person
Nevertheless, follow up or certain modules of coaching sessions may be conducted remotely; occasionally, even energy work might be offered even during a remote session, at Regula’s discretion.

If within the Greater Bay Area I will travel to a client’s location if so desired - Travel fee: up to 125.-
(Petaluma, Sacramento, San Jose, Livermore, Oakdale, Monterrey - Area’s possible). If you have a group of people that would like to receive Reiki, I am always welcoming weekend or day long private events in at your location. 3-5 session/individuals minimum.


Personalized REIKI Attunement

varied attunements - about 60 mins (in persona only)
Cost: $135

Personalized Attunements and Re-Fresher Attunements are available in-person only

Choose the appropriate attunement option for you:
Level 1 Reiki Attunement: need to be certified as a Level 1 practitioner
Level 2 Reiki Attunement: need to be certified as a Level 2 practitioner
Level 3 Reiki Attunement: need to be certified as a Level 3 practitioner
Community Level Attunement: for anyone that likes to be attuned to REIKI LIFE FORCE ENERGY


REIKI Lifestyle Group Meetings - in-person single tickets

Punch card for 5 Reiki Lifestyle Group meetings
Cost: $135

currently unavailable
- meetings are either once a months or biweekly, depending on season, location and participant request

REIKI for Self-Healing Workshop -
online workshop or in-person
(includes REIKI Level 1 certification)

5 evenings over 5 weeks, 6 to 8.30 pm,
Location varies (maximal 8 participants)
Cost: $325

you may also want to check with Mt. Diablo Adult Learning program in Pleasant Hill for current or future class offerings

Attuned Reiki Goddesses - The world is already a better place because of their dedication to practice ! Thank you !  - 2021

Attuned Reiki Goddesses - The world is already a better place because of their dedication to practice ! Thank you ! - 2021


Meridian Energetics Session

60 minute ME Healing Session
Cost: $175

-inquire about multi-session packages (valid for 12 months)

Meridian Energetics sessions are offered in-person only.

Nevertheless, follow up or certain modules of coaching sessions may be conducted remotely; occasionally, even energy work might be offered even during a remote session, at Regula’s discretion.

If within the Greater Bay Area I will travel to a client’s location if so desired - Travel fee: up to 125.-
(Petaluma, Sacramento, San Jose, Livermore, Oakdale, Monterrey - Area’s possible). If you have a group of people that would like to receive Reiki, I am always welcoming weekend or day long private events in at your location. 3-5 session/individuals minimum.


Inner Child Group Workshops
(virtual workshops on Zoom)

Level 1, 2 and 3 - each: 5 evenings - 5 consecutive weeks

Cost: $375 each level
(previous level has to be completed before moving on to next level)

currently unavailable


Meridian Energetics Practitioner Training
(one-on-one ONLY)
Inquire to receive program details

6-12 months long training program and practice period
$2000 - inquire about details of the program

currently unavailable


Intuitive Biofield Harmonizing - Session Menu

Intuitive Biofield Harmonizing Sessions

60 mins (Remote or in-person sessions for single person)
Cost: $225

Inquire about Group healing sessions - min. 5 participants
Cost: varies on location and preference of facilitation

-inquire about multi-session packages (valid for 12 months)

Intuitive Biofield Harmonizing Sessions are very deliberately focused improving, repairing and harmonizing the energetic connection points between the universal grids and matrices and the human physical and etheric energy grids.

This are mainly channeled sessions, as guides and collectives of higher consciousness are called into assist with the healing work. Toning, chanting, light language, breath work and mudra like hand expressions can be expected.

It is recommended to always set a clear intention of any one issue that desires improvement before the session, as well as being in a nearly fasted, but well hydrated state. Often these session require more rest and relaxation afterward, to allow the new potentials to integrate.