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∞ Testimonials


“It was the start of another overbooked week. I hadn't had a chance to eat breakfast or lunch yet. Mind racing...
It was such a delight to see/feel Regula''s radiance! She helped bring me back to myself even before "officially" starting the energy session.
After the session, Regula shared about the areas she felt called to clear and connect. It was fascinating how in sync most of our accounts were, or the visions or sensations I experienced while in session.
Much gratitude to Regula for the session. I'm sure it helped me stay sane during the next several long days. Helping to elevate the camaraderie of our design team, sponsors, industry partners & panel. I highly recommend Regula!”

— L. Avelin

“Regula has been able to help me with some 3D issues in one single session. She was able to help me gain clarity as to my divine reason for my current 3D situation. As she was guiding me through a mediation and working on my energy pathways - I felt a strong flow of energy in my root which continued for about 15 minutes after the session. I felt grounded, light and connected after my time with her.”

— Ravi J.T.

“If you want to become more centered and present in your life, to learn how to listen to and trust yourself, I highly recommend Reiki with Regula. I signed up for her Reiki 1 for Self-Healing class because I was looking for guidance during a life transition. In our weekly meetings, she balanced the educational, spiritual, and practical sides of Reiki in an easy to understand manner. She is always open and available to us and is a wonderful teacher and guide... I feel more peaceful. It has changed the way I view my life and those around me. Namaste!”

— Teresa N.

“I had a session with Regula and she helped me with my cold that I have been struggling with. She also worked on my back - and it has not been hurting me since the session! Your are amazing! Thank YOU!”

— B. H.


“I have had sessions with Regula a few times now and have absolutely loved them! I have seen many different energy healers over the last 7.5 yrs or so of being sick with Lyme disease and many other complications, but I have never met anyone quite like Regula! She definitely has an immense gift! Firstly, I feel extremely relaxed and go very deep into a trance like state whenever I work with her. This in and of itself feels very healing, particularly when she starts toning/speaking or singing in a light language or whatever you want to call it which I find intriguing and so special.
I feel sooo blessed to be having sessions with Regula. So, SO grateful to have met Regula online and experience her magnificent gifts! thank you from the bottom of my heart!!”

— Linda B.

I had such a joyful sessions with Regula! I felt so much energy coming through during the transmission and she really opened up some areas that are inspiring me now. I feel inspired to create and play much more now than I have in a while. I haven’t even drawn that much in the past months. Now many things are inspiring and opening up. Thank you Regula! I look forward to our next sessions.

— J. Macintyre

“Energetically speaking, I did not experience anything out of the ordinary. In my opinion, this is really good and here is why. I often don’t work with other energy healers because I am so energetically sensitive that I get thrown off kilter; I end up feeling dramatically worse than I did beforehand… depleted or out of balance. Some can be very overpowering. I think the greatest healers and intuitive’s don’t rock the boat too much. They make subtle and comfortable shifts that move a client forward slowly. They leave you feeling at peace and better than you were before. I certainly felt deeply relaxed and at peace!

— M. S.

“A few weeks ago, I had a session with Regula, and as always the conversation is fun, light and filled with amazing insights. I had a sore throat and felt completely exhausted. I passed out part way through the session - but a few minutes after our session was over, I was feeling kundalini energy brewing and by the next day I was feeling so much better - my sore throat was gone and I felt rested!”

— Esha H.

“I entertained the notion I was somewhere between agnostic and atheist. That was back in December when I was overly stressed from my toxic job and in a bad place emotionally. Lo and behold, I received a booklet in the mail from Pleasant Hill Adult Education and opened it to a page detailing Reiki 1 instruction with Regula Dhedhi. I decided to take the class and pursue alternative healing. Little did I know that several months later, I would be meditating every day, feeling more grounded, letting go of some emotional “stones” and blockages and, in the process , discovering that I’m actually deeply spiritual. I’m looking forward to continuing this practice.

- Teresa L.

"I was experiencing a high level of stress which was causing me panic attacks, brain fog and back pain. My life was being disrupted to the point that I was not able to function in many ways. I decided to turn to Reiki to see if I could get some emotional peace and pain relief. Reiki has played a significant role in bringing me a sense of inner peace. My stress level has been drastically lowered, which has allowed my brain fog to diminish and my back pain to be reduced by at least 90%. I have never experienced anything like the sense of serenity that Reiki can bring you. Regula is extremely knowledgeable regarding energy work and was great at explaining how Reiki helps, both our physical and mental well-being. "

- Deborah P.