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∞ Meridian Energetics

“Well Being - A state of natural Homeostasis
and Balance, Health and Harmony - is humanities
Innate desire!

Well-Being signifies a state of Inner Peace and Ease,
a sense of Joy and Curiosity allowing for meaningful
Self-Expression in a state of unconditional

These higher states of being allow for the expression of
our unique individual creative abilities - and it creates
physical, mental, and emotional balance and Harmony
- with All There Is”.
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“Meridian Energetics® is an advanced Energy Modality, based in its methods and practices to tap into a 12 chakra system contained in the physical body and expressed in an etheric body containing an advanced meridian grid system.” - Mel Brand, Founder of ME

“As Humanity is evolving along the trajectory of a new and expanded Cosmic Energy Grid - our current energetic templates also have to upgrade and adjust - which often brings challenges on various energetic levels - and we feel physical, emotional and mental dissonance in form of symptoms and even diseases. “

Every physical body contains a chakra system. The energies generated by this chakra system are expressed in the etheric body. Meridian Energetics® practitioners refer to this as the “Etheric Meridian System” which consists of major and minor portals and grid points that bridge to the physical body. This system exists separately from, and should not be confused with, the physical meridians known to Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists.

Meridian Energetics® practitioners intuitively tap into a consciousness that allows them to visualize this energy grid so they can help clients adjust to a new energy expression with more ease and less difficulty.

During a session, practitioners identify and correct imbalances, blockages in flow or suppressed grid points or portals within the energy body. As a result, the physical body will automatically follow suit and self-correct.

Meridian Energetics® is a hands-on energy healing technique and needs to be done in the physical presence of a certified practitioner. The client is, similar to Reiki sessions, fully clothed and relaxing on a healing bed or massage table during the session. A typical ME energy session takes about 20-40 minutes. Clients who have received a Meridian Energetics® treatment, will gain a positive energetic shift in flow within their systems. This improved flow may relieve physical as well as mental ailments, thus bringing forth new spiritual potentials.

At this time, humanity is going through an accelerated process of adapting to these energetic upgrades - not only evident in the global turmoil we are experiencing lately, but also further accentuated by many going through a “Awakening process”, like a “Heart Center Awakening” or even a “Kundalini Awakening” - catapulting individuals into a field of higher consciousness to which the physical has to adapt.

These very powerful catalystic “energetic triggers'‘ can be very intense physical experiences but also call forth a rapid spiritual growth process and an opening into of a new previously dormant energy matrix. Our planet Earth - Mother Gaia Sophia - and humanity along with her - are gradually reconnecting to this new upgraded universal energy matrix by rebuilding and reconnecting access points and creating an improved “New World” or “New Earth Energy Grid”.

By accepting and understanding this concept it becomes evident that most Energy Healing Practices as of today - especially those that are basing their practices within the “old” seven chakra system, will become insufficient with helping individuals transition and settle into the “New World Energetic Grid Template”. Meridian Energetics® practitioners have not only evolved themselves into this new energetic grid, but also have the gift and intuitive ability to recognize it in others and help them walk through their process with more ease and sense of well-being.

Regula Dhedhi,
Meridian Energetics &
ME Inner Child Exercises Practitioner

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To learn more and find a practitioner near you, please visit the MERIDIAN ENERGETIC SCHOOL website: