Free Offerings


Free Offering: REIKI in the Park - during the summer months

REIKI in the Park - Share an evening at a local park as a gathering point - enjoying the space while sharing Reiki.

Free Offering: Light-Frequency communicated through music and the intention of a meditation. The ability to step into ones “Soul essence” happens through the “Higher Heart Matrix”, which is made more accessible through a “heart center activation” or “heart center opening”. This particular meditation practice serves as a vibrational type of prayer or affirmation to attune the person participating to realities and realms that are in alignment with their “Soul urge” or “heart’s desire”, or “Soul essence.
A proposed self meditation script is included in the description box of the YouTube video, but allow yourself to create your own symbolism, allow your own symbolism to flow to you. The main aspect of this process is to set an intention of joy and gratitude, in conjunction - and than let the quantum vibrations within the video do its magic in assisting the process of hart center activation and expansion. Enjoy!