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∞ Intuitive Biofield Harmonizing


“When we step into spiritual maturity, we align with our most authentic self.
We rediscover our multidimensionality as soul-beings, embodiments of light and love.”

A cosmic bio-field refers to a plasmic field within an expanded spatial, temporal, multidimensional grid system composed of etheric and astral meridians, portals and chakras. Intuitive Biofield Harmonizing sessions seek to energize, repair, rebuild and harmonize energetic connection points within and between these cosmic or universal matrices and the individual human or more physical energy grids. So, it works both on a deep astral levels as well as on closer, more physical levels. As humanity is gaining more access to their multidimensional heritage per se, by raising consciousness beyond where humanity was confined to the past thousands of years - Intuitive Biofield Harmonizing helps individuals in the ascension process to reconnect to their true essence and full heritage.

During these channeled sessions, guides and higher consciousness collectives are called in to assist with healing. A combination of toning, chanting, breath work and/or the use of mudra-like expressions can be expected. This combined approach facilitates balance within this expansive system which in turn allows a more accelerated and easier expression of an individual’s soul essence.

After an Intuitive Biofield Harmonizing Session, clients may experience a new sense of well-being as pathways open to new potentials and experiences. Please note - It is recommended before each session to always set a clear intention. Consider one issue in need of improvement. Additionally, be in a nearly fasted, but well-hydrated state. Often following a session, increased rest and relaxation is required to improve the integration process.