The Power of Choosing in the Now Moment

We are capable of any choice in every moment! And for any single one of these moment-potentials we are offered a multiple of options to choose from every time. And this is just how vast the Universe is and reflective of the immense Abundance that exists. Scarcity is not even a “word” or vibration that exists in the Universe - Scarcity is a state we created on our own by simply not being in the present, in the moment of the now, to make the choices most aligned with our true journey as soul essences. As a matter of fact, abundance is increasing as souls experience, as the purpose of Source or Creator, God is to expand itself - expansion through experience - increasing potential and abundance unlimitedly.

The choices are presented in the moment of NOW - in the immediate Present. Not in the Past, not in the Future.

As souls in human physicals suits we came to this planet because it provides a certain density for a greater variety of experience. We are here to learn and grow from our experiences. We are here to create a reality that allows us to walk-through and take advantage of this great palette of potential so we can expand as the soul and thereby expand the Cosmos.

Drifting with our thoughts into the past is like “hanging on and not wanting to let go” of a one specific experience we already had. Why would we do that?
Why would we want to “stand stuck” in an experience already experienced when there is opportunity to experience new?

If we are here to expand the Cosmos, why would we want to keep experiencing something we already experienced and learned from? Especially if it is an experience we didn’t so much desire? Why would we keep going back and “revisit” a reality we already created and keep holding on to it, when we could let it go and move forward into a new, more desirable space, instead? Why would we? Maybe because we haven’t embodied that experience yet, and learned and grown from it yet - fully integrated its knowing yet? Or maybe, it was a desirable experience, and we wanted to “re-experience it” because it was so enjoyable and satisfying? We prefer to stay in a loop of repeating expression. Why go back to the same “color” of experience, when there is such a diverse range of colors from within this same experience could be experienced?

It is important to experience each moment - fully, while present and allowing. The moment of choice what is to follow is always there. Experience it now, be still enough and observing enough to recognize what the Universe brings as potentials and choices, choose from there, than experience again, choose again… that is freedom! Free Will!

The same is true for placing thought into the future. A state that can only be created in our “rational mind” as energetically the future is a state in flux and yet to be determined or materialized, created. The future truly is created in the NOW - the Now-Moment. The one moment when Cosmic-energy or Cosmic-vibration collides with our sparks of desire from the heart - collides with our pure intention - and draws in light or information exactly as needed to manifest that spark of desire - in that instant! Not before, and not after - within a split instant - very quickly. Why would we want to miss this grandiose opportunity for creating in our best image? Why would we be wanting to be anywhere else than in the present moment to catch this opportunity of choice that is truly aligned with our true desire?

The wisdom and the consciousness we carry in our energy field is the “electricity” flowing through our inner technologies and energetic grid lines contained within our physical and auric suits. It is the attraction point and offers the meeting point of the collision energy - Universal potentials, Creator Source energy - meeting with Soul desire!

You are the Creator!