Intuitive Healing Services from the Heart

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Intention is the beginning of Thought - Thoughts create Reality!

By setting an intention that is purposefully directed and focused in a vibration or frequency to serve at the best for everyone involved, and at the same time is free of any resistant energies, meaning no underlying agenda, can freely flow and create in coherence with unity consciousness or universal consciousness.

Intention is the Beginning of Thought;
Intention sets a Vibrational Tone” which
attracts vibrationally matching Thoughts.

The Thought coming to Mind then produces an
electro-magnetic wave in the physical body -
this is felt as an Emotion that we describe as a Feeling.

As Humans, in a physical suit, we prefer to feel good!
Joyous, inspired, happy, elevated, empowered, amused,
calm, confident, elated, cheerful, animated, playful -
moments filled with sparks of childlike joy and curiosity!

Good feelings produce a state of Being - anchored in a deep sense of Well-Being!
All we really desire as a Soul in human suit - is experience!
Experiences accumulating into a balanced and harmonious state of Well-Being!
Nothing more - nothing less.

How do we create an intention?

First we need to recognize that intention is the beginning of a thought. Every intention has a frequency or vibration - it carries a vibrational tone, a tone to which the Universe and the Cosmos responds. Everything is Energy! And energy is nothing else than frequency or vibrations carrying information.

Intention is not just a Thought - Intention is foremost a Feeling.
Pure Intention is anchored in a vibrational technology coming from within the higher heart complex - that heart center energy connected directly to Source Creator energy - or God.
When you feel deep gratitude - you feel it in that space - the higher heart complex!

But Intention is not just a Thought - Intention is sparked by a Desire - desire is also a Feeling - it is an electromagnetic state attracting Universal and Cosmic energy potentials. These Cosmic potentials of light or vibration, show up in our human field and collide with our state of being. Our energy sensors (physical and auric/etheric) pick up that signal and interpret it as a spark of Desire giving rise to a Thought. So maintaining a state of being - or an intention - that is tuned to what we desire - will make it easy for the Cosmic potentials to collide with our field - creating a reality we desire!

Remember! The purpose of the Cosmos is to “Create Well-Being”. Source energy - God Creator Energy - contains all vibrations needed to create in the eye of Well-Being. We, as human souls just have to tune ourselves to a state of being and consciousness that reflects our true essence - coming from the Heart.

WELL-BEING from the Heart 💗 - Regula